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篇名 透析護理學課程對提升專業知識之成效--以中部某科技大學護理系二技學生為例
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 Effective Knowledge of Hemodialysis in Nursing Graduates of a 2-Year Baccalaureate Program in a University of Science and Technology
作者 游金靖Chin-Ching Yu
頁次 118-128
關鍵字 血液透析二技學生NursingProfessional knowledge questionnaireHemodialysis2-year baccalaureate program護理專業知識評量表
出刊日期 200906


為了達成技職教育培育兼具理論與實務之產業界所需人才的目標,本校護理系於2006年進行系科本位規劃推行新課程。本研究主要目的為探討新增選修學科「透析護理學」之教學對日間部護理系二技學生增進血液透析專業知識之成效,作為日後教學內容與策略修正之參考。採準實驗法研究設計,以本校護理系日間部三年級所有二技學生為對象,依據選課結果分為實驗組與對照組,共計107名。於「透析護理學」教學之前後,以「血液透析專業知識評量表」,收集相關資料。研究資料以SPSS套裝軟體建檔後進行描述性及t檢定等統計分析。結果發現實驗組與對照組學生前測平均得分沒有差異,經過一學期血液透析專業課程之教授後,實驗組後測平均總得分達68.49分,平均進步12.63分,p值 < 0.001達統計顯著差異;對照組前後測得分未達顯著差異。血液透析專業知識層面之成效最為顯著,此結果可提供未來教學之參考。


The goal of technological and vocational education is to provide an individual with theoretical and practical abilities useful in their future career. Nursing departments in such schools introduced a new curriculum from 2006. The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of a new elective subject, hemodialysis nursing, on hemodialysis knowledge in 2-year nursing baccalaureate students. Research design was quasi-experimental. A hemodialysis knowledge questionnaire was employed to collect data once prior to the beginning of the course and once following course completion. A total of 107 nursing students from a 2-year baccalaureate program participated in the study. Subjects were divided into experimental and control groups based on courses taken. SPSS software was used to analyze data. The two groups had no significant differences in terms of the pretest score. A significant difference was found between pretest and posttest scores for the experimental group, but not for the control group. The average experimental group score was 68.49, which represented an increase of 12.63. Findings may be referenced in further modification work on course content revision and education strategies.
