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篇名 運用安寧療護理念於癌末病人之出院準備服務
卷期 56:2
並列篇名 The Application of Hospice Palliative Care on Discharge Planning for the Terminal Cancer Patient
作者 賴維淑楊婉萍施雅蘭趙可式
頁次 94-100
關鍵字 安寧療護出院準備服務持續性照護癌末病人Hospice palliative careDischarge planningContinuity of careTerminal cancer patientMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200904




Whole person, family-centered, continued care, and multidisciplinary approach were four core values of hospice palliative care applied in this paper to assist in the diffcult processes of discharging termi-
nal cancer patients from the hospital and providing continued care until their peaceful death. Reasons underlying difficulties with discharges identified during hospitalizations between July 5th to 25th
2007 include: 1. ‘whole person’ aspects, including lack of confdence with the discharge on the part of the patient and his / her families due to inadequate symptoms control and loneliness due to lack of caregiver understanding and support; 2. ‘family-centered’ aspects, including failure to designate a key decision maker, differences of opinions, and overwhelming caregiver burdens; 3. ‘continuity of care’ aspects, including lack of appropriate and continuing palliative care and 4. ‘multidisciplinary
approach’ aspects, including factitious relationships among patient, family members, and healthcare providers due to lack of trust. Furthermore, the healthcare team mapped out individual and continued
care plans as follows: 1. ‘whole person’ aspects should focus on symptom control, enhancing comfort, and encouraging emotional expression; 2. ‘family-centered’ care aspects should identify the key per-
son and signifcant others, decrease caregiver burdens, provide essential assistance and conduct family conferences; 3. ‘continuity care’ aspects should include consulting hospice home care and bereave-
ment care professionals; 4. ‘multidisciplinary approach’ aspects should address comprehensive care so that team members learn from and refect on their experiences. Ultimately, patients were successfully
discharged from the hospital and peacefully passed away one week afterward. The writer hopes this nursing experience will provide a valuable reference for clinical practice to develop a family-centered
approach to palliative care based on the four core values of hospice palliative care and the multidisci-plinary discharge plan for terminal cancer patients.
