
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 不同比例之等速離心和向心聯合收縮對眩三頭肌肌力和肌耐力之影響
卷期 18
並列篇名 The Effects of Simultaneous Training for Different Combination Ratios Isokinetic Eccentric and Concentric Muscle Actions on the Strength and Endurance Ratio of Triceps Brachii
作者 林麗娟
頁次 255-266
關鍵字 離心收縮向心收縮最大肌力肌耐力eccentric contractionconcentric contractionstrengthenduranceTSSCI
出刊日期 199412


離心收縮在肌力訓練土的重要性已逐漸被肯定,但應該包含多少比例的離心收縮,才能同時對最大肌力和服,耐力訓練最具效果,仍有進一步研究的空間。本研究目的在探討不同比例之離心和向心收縮聯合收縮訓練,對絃三頭肌等速向心收縮最大力矩、脫,耐力二個脈,力變項的訓練效果。受試者為未受過阻力訓練之健康男大學生六十九名,平均年齡18.4士3.4歲,體重的.1士10.6公斤,身高172.3士5.9公分。受試者以隨機配對分紅的方式分成控制組(N=l1)、100%離心是且(N = 12)、75%離心-25%向心組(N = 12)、50%離心-50%向心 組(N= 12)、25%離心-75%向心組(N= 11)和100%向心組(N = 11)共六缸。 肌力訓練為期七週'每週二天,每次訓練四回合,每回合依受試者個別的訓練次數而定。並於第一週(前測)、第四週(中測)及第八週(後測)分別測試各組兩個變項值,以二因子混合設計變異數分析資料。結果顯示:在最大力提的進步情況方面,六組中以100%離心、75%離心一-25%向心和50%離心-50%向心三組進步程度最大,但三組間並無顯著差異。在肌耐力方面,則以 100%離心收縮組訓練效果較佳。結論:不同比例之等速離心和向心聯合收縮 訓練,對非慣用手訓練的進步幅度土,在使用等速向心收縮為評量方式時,以超過50%離心收縮的訓練比例,對最大肌力的進步效果較佳。但對肌耐力的進步則以100%的離心收縮訓練效果最佳;因此,欲在短期之內兼顧最大肌力、肌耐力兩者同時進步,以離心收縮的訓練方式效果較佳。而本研究的阻力訓練設計對最大肌力的發展較為適當。


Eccentric muscle actions was an important part of strength training. However, how much eccentric action is optimal for muscular strength and endurance development is not known. The purpose of this study was to examine the different combination ratios of eccentric (ECC) and concentric (CON) muscle actions on the peak torque and enddurance ratio of the triceps brachii. Sixty-nine (69) untrained males (body weight 65.1 ± 10.6 kg; height 172.3士5.9 cm; age 18.4 ± 3.4 yrs) were randomly assigned into 6 groups: 100%ECC, 75%ECC-25%CON, 50%ECCδO%CON, 25%ECC- 75%CON, 100% CON and CONTROL. Subjects were trained on Cybex6000, using 1200 /sec, 2 days/wk, with individually designed repetitions, for 7 wks. Peak torque and endurance ratio (concentric) were measured before,4th wk and after training. A two-way ANOVA was used for data analysis. For Triceps peak torque, 100%ECC, 75%ECC-25%CON and 50%ECC-50%CON were higher than 25%ECC-75%CON, 100%CON and CONTROL groups. In Triceps endurance ratio, the 100% ECC group improved most significantly. CONCLUSIONS: A combination ratio of over 50% eccentric muscle actions seems to be the best for strength development. However, 100% eccentric was the best for endurance training. Nevertheless, the 100% eccentric muscle action was best of simultaneous training for strength and endurance.

