
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 以游泳推進功率及推進距離預測不同等級捷泳選手划手打腿及協調效率之研究
卷期 22
並列篇名 A Study of the Relations between Propulsive Force/Distance and Coordination Efficiency among Crawl Swimmers of Different Levels
作者 丁益文
頁次 201-212
關鍵字 捷泳划手打腿推進功率推進距離協調教率再測信度crawl swimmingtest-retest reliabilitycoordination efficiencydistance-persecondpropulsive forceleg kickarm strokeTSSCI
出刊日期 199701


本研究目的在探討以游泳推進功率及推進距離預測不同等級捷泳選手划手打腿及協調效率。以台北市游泳代表隊男性選手48位為研究對象,以最近三個月內100A凡捷泳最佳成績,依成績優劣順序,分成三個等級,每一等紋中 有16位選手,並以重複量數之「對抗平衡法」分別進行聯合、划手及打腿三種方式作推進功率與推進距離之測驗。其結果經分析討論後,得到下列結論:l.推進功率與推進距離的兩種實驗方法再測信度很高,達-.99至-.85之間,經後研究與本實驗相關的測量方法只要測驗一次即可。2.各項推進功率與推進距離的實驗方法,均可預測百去凡捷泳成績。 3.各項推進功率與推進距離之間,可以相互預測成績。 4. A級捷泳選手推進功率(0.96 + 0.12kgw.M/sec /體重kg)及推進距離(1.71+ 0.05M/sec),顯著大於B級(0.81 O.lOkgw.M/sec/體重kg)、(1.64士0.07M/sec)和C級(0.54士O.l1kgw.M/sec /體重kg)、(1.39士0.09M/sec)的捷泳選手;在協調效率方面'A級(0.19+ 0.08kgw.M/ sec/體重kg)顯著大於B級(0.11 + 0.05kgw.M/sec /體重kg)的捷泳選手,結果顯示較高水準的捷泳選手不但推進力較大,協調效率也較佳。


This study aims to study the possibility and reliability of predicting the arm strokes, the leg kicks, and the coordination efficiency of the crawl swimmers of different levels through their propulsive force and distance. Forty-eight male swimmers of the Taipei Swimming Team were studied. The subjects were divided into 3 levels, each consists of 16 members, according to their performance in the 100-meter crawl swimming races in the past three months. An identical-subject with repeatedmeasure design and a balanced-order testing sequence were used to measure the propulsive force and distance in arm strokes, leg kicks and whole strokes. Results and conclusions are as follows: 1. The test-retest reliability of the propulsive force and distance measurement was very high (between -.99 and -.85). It is therefore suggested that one test will be good enough. 2. The results of the 100-meter crawl races can be predicted through the propulsive force and propulsive distance per second. 3. The propulsive force and the propulsive distance per second are closely related to each other. 4. The propulsive force (0.96 ± 0.12 kgw.M/sec/body weight kg) and the propulsive distance (1.71± 0.05 M/sec) of the Level A swimmers are significantly greater than those of the Level B swimmers, (0.81 + 0.10 kgw.M/sec/body weight kg) and (1.64+ 0.07 M/sec), and Level C swimmers, (0.54 + 0.11 kgw.M/sec/body weight kg) and (1.39土0.09M/sec). In coordination efficiency, Level A swimmers (0.19 土0.08kgw.M/sec/body weight kg) is significantly better than Level B swimmers (0.11土0.05 kgw.M/sec/body weight kg). Thisresult shows that higher level swimmers have not only greater propulsive force but also better coordination efficiency.

