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篇名 「實驗教育三法」的重要內涵與策進作為
卷期 258
並列篇名 The Main Connotations and Implementations for the Three-Type Acts of Experimental Education
作者 吳清山
頁次 042-058
關鍵字 實驗教育實驗教育三法experimental educationthree-type acts of experimental education
出刊日期 201510
DOI 10.3966/168063602015100258004




“Three-type acts of experimental education” (Enforcement Act for School-based Experimental Education, Enforcement Act for Non-school Type Experimental Education across Education Levels below Senior High School, and Enforcement of the Act Governing the Commissioning of the Operation of Public Elementary and High School to the Private Sector are included) was passed by the Legislative Yuan in November 2014, and was promulgated by the president of ROC. These acts were to establish a legal basis for promoting the experimental education and create a new milestone of experimental education in Taiwan. This paper aims to explain main connotations and some implementations of three -type acts of experimental Education. Firstly, it explains the values of the three-type acts of experimental education, including the promotion of educational innovation, the guarantee of students’ learning rights, the improvement of the diverse development in education, and the offer of parental choice of school and development of appropriate educational opportunities. Secondly, it mentions the purpose of the three-type acts of experimental education and declares the experimental educational philosophy as well as other related aspects that were analyzed regarding the main contents of the three-type acts of experimental education in this paper. Finally, it proposes the effective implementations of the three-type acts of experimental education which encourages private-sector participation to experimental education and the other six implementations.
