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篇名 大數據在十二年國民基本教育之應用
卷期 258
並列篇名 Implementing Big Data in Twelve-year Basic Education
作者 王令宜
頁次 073-086
關鍵字 十二年國民基本教育大數據巨量資料開放資料twelve-year basic educationbig datamega dataopen data
出刊日期 201510
DOI 10.3966/168063602015100258006


大數據(big data)又稱巨量資料或海量資料,隨著網路普及與資訊科技的蓬勃發 展,人們每日所產生的各類資料以驚人的速度與數量巨幅成長,這些巨量資料的取得、 分析與應用,不僅成為各行各業競爭與行銷的新利器,也對現今及未來的教學與學習活 動產生深遠的影響。本文旨在探究大數據在十二年國民基本教育之應用,首先說明大數 據之意涵與發展現況;其次就政策推行、校務治理、課程發展、教師教學與學生學習等 五方面,分析大數據在十二年國民基本教育之應用層面;最後探討十二年國民基本教育 應用大數據的因應作為,包括法令規範與彈性配套應完備、資料開放與隱私保護應並 重、舊有資料與新設系統應整合,以及人才培育與領導思維應革新等四項。


Big data is referring to the large and complicated data sets. As the development of internet and information technology, the amount of the data generated by people grows everyday in incredible scale. Therefore, the acquisition, analysis, and application of the data had become the focus of all kinds of industries to advance their advantages and to promote the business. In the fi eld of education, big data also made impact on current and future teaching and learning activities. The paper aims to explore the application of big data in twelve-year basic education. First, it explains the definition and development of big data. Secondly, it analyzes the application of big data in twelve-year basic education by probing into the fi ve aspects including policy implementation, school governance, curriculum development, instruction, and learning. Finally, it offers four suggestions of big data in twelve-year basic education, including suffi cing related statutory and fl exible supplementary regulations, laying stress equally upon the openness of data and the protection of privacy, integrating the existed data and new systematic information, innovating the manpower cultivation and the thinking among leadership.
