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篇名 培養國小學生具備民主社會的美德:尊重
卷期 258
並列篇名 Cultivating the Virtue of a Democratic Society in Elementary School: Respect as Virtue
作者 吳桂芳
頁次 059-072
關鍵字 民主社會美德尊重democratic societyvirtuerespect
出刊日期 201510
DOI 10.3966/168063602015100258005




Taiwan’s democracy is a type of liberal democracy that emphasizes freedom and individual rights as well as the importance of diverse values. However, we can also clearly see Taiwan’s democracy was often troubled by frequent social protests, confl icts, and confrontations along with a failure to tolerate and respect differences. The virtue of respect therefore must be cultivated among citizens for realizing the idea of democracy. This study is based on the author’s experiences and it explores issues related to the virtue of respect. The study asks how should we educate elementary school students with the virtues required of a democratic society and enable them to become good citizens for the future and realize the ideals of a democratic society. Finally, the study makes three recommendations. First, the promotion of multicultural education is critical. Second, teachers must teach students to respect for the rules of activities. Third, teachers must lead by example.
