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篇名 談德國亞斯伯格症患者的教育成長歷程
卷期 258
並列篇名 A Study on the Growth Course of Two Students with Asperger Syndrome at Schools in Germany
作者 王秋萍
頁次 107-121
關鍵字 自閉症亞斯伯格症特殊教育德國教育融合教育autismAsperger Syndromespecial educationeducation in Germanyinclusive education
出刊日期 201510
DOI 10.3966/168063602015100258008


亞斯伯格症(簡稱亞症)是神經發展障礙,在心理學上被歸類為自閉症的範疇,是 不影響智商的自閉症,得名於奧地利籍醫師H. Asperger。德國日益重視亞症學童的教養 問題,且於2000年的「文化部長會議」決議後,各聯邦逐漸制定政策配合。本文研究德 國亞症學童的成長案例,從Sasha與Mack的角度,以回溯往事的方式還原年幼尋找專家診 治、入學、和教師同儕的互動、面臨升學,一直到未來職業選擇的心路歷程,目的在藉 由兩人克服困境點出父母和學校的協助、專業素養的「校園陪伴者」角色,以及德國父 母為亞症子女升學選校考量等。本文期待教育單位能參考德國在主流學校針對亞症學童 個案派駐專家介入校園的機制,制定以融合教育為前提的政策,更盼望讓臺灣家長透過 本文審視「只要功課好、成績夠,就當仁不讓進入明星學校」的迷思。


Asperger Syndrome (AS) is labeled as high-functioning autism, was named in honor of the Austrian psychiatrist and pediatrician H. Asperger who published his essay ‘Autistic psychopathy in childhood’ in 1944. Actually, the issue related to education for students with AS in Germany gained increasing attention in the last decades. Especially after the “Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs” held in 2000, a federal harmonization agreement on special needs education was achieved. Since then each German federal state started introducing regulation regarding the schooling of children with special needs within the mainstream education facilities. This paper is a field study exploring students with AS in campus. It started with the recount of two Germans who narrated their personal growth histories demonstrating their sufferings, problems and efforts for problem solving. Besides the importance of the support from parents, teachers and peers, their recollection also sketch out the prominence to the roles of the “accompanist” who might be expected to provide spontaneous assistance for students with AS on campus. Through this study, we anticipate, parents in Taiwan could reevaluate if they should feel duty-bound to urging their children to enter an “elite school” without taking their aptitude or personality traits into consideration. The proposal is to break the group-thinking of “elite schools” as implicated in this article. Moreover, we suggest education authorities in Taiwan to undertake a concrete course of action to regulating professional support for students with Asperger Syndrome in mainstream schools.
