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篇名 帛書《易傳》與《黃老帛書》的陰陽觀
卷期 42:10=497
並列篇名 The Yin/Yang Views of the Silk-Scroll Version of The Commentaries on the Book of Changes and The Four Huang-Lao Silk Scrolls
作者 曾春海
頁次 025-041
關鍵字 帛書《易傳》帛書《繫辭》《黃老帛書》陰陽吉凶天人關係Silk-Scroll Version of The Commentaries on the Book of ChangesSilk-Scroll Version of Xi Cihe Four Huang-Lao Silk ScrollsTaoYin/YangFortune/MisfortuneRelationship between Heaven and ManA&HCI
出刊日期 201510




Abstract: The Mawangdui tombs from the Han Dynasty were unearthed in 1973, and the silk scrolls found in Tomb No. 3 are diverse and rich materials on the thoughts and cultures of the Pre-Qin Period, the Qin Dynasty, and the Han Dynasty. In May, 1992, The Cultural Relics unearthed from the Han Tombs at Mawangdui was published by Hunan Publishing Company, and the silk scrolls of Xi Ci and its transcriptions were released for the first time and became a focus for the contemporary research of the doctrine of yi (changes). In these silk scrolls, there are six chapters about The Commentaries on the Book of Changes, and one of them belongs to the ten wings of the The Commentaries on the Book of Changes, that is, Xi Ci. Xi Ci Zhuan is the commentaries about the general themes of The Book of Changes rather than line-by-line explications; therefore, it is also called The Commentaries on the Book of Changes and The Xi Ci General Commentaries. Comparing the silk scroll version of The Commentaries on the Book of Changes, The Four Huang-Lao Silk Scrolls and the surviving text of The Commentaries on the Book of Changes, this article is meant to analyze the organic unbreakable link and correspondence between yin/yang and generation, changes, life and governmental management.
