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篇名 《黃帝四經》陰陽觀對《管子》「定靜」工夫 形成之影響
卷期 42:10=497
並列篇名 The Influence of Yin/Yang in Huangdi Sijing on the Guanzi of Stability and Tranquility Skill
作者 黃崇修
頁次 097-115
關鍵字 陰陽雌節定靜內靜外敬《黃帝四經》Yin/YangRetaining GentlenessStability and Tranquility SkillBe Respectful Outward and Have Peace WithinHuangdi SijingA&HCI
出刊日期 201510




Abstract: Huangdi Sijing (literally: The Yellow Emperor’s Four Canons) are manuscripts of the Warring States period. They were unearthed from Tomb 3 of Mawangdui near Changsha in 1973. Since these manuscripts are not only arranged before Version B of Laozi but also assembled by Jing Fa, Shi Da Jing, Cheng, and Dao Yuan, scholars then give these four ancient lost books the conventional title of Huangdi Sijing. In this paper, these 1973 manuscripts will be used to analyze the ideology of yin/yang and further discuss how certain qualities are passed on. Roughly speaking, yin and yang appear together for about forty-three times in Huangdi Sijing. It is clear that the idea of yin/yang plays a key part in those texts. In other words, these manuscripts could be considered as an important source for the development of yin/yang during the Warring States period. Hence, to study how the early yin/yang philosophers applied beliefs in Laozi to address political issues at the dawn of yin/yang theory could be significant for future research. This paper will begin with an introduction to the theory of yin/yang in Huangdi Sijing. Special attention will be paid to Cheng since its elaboration on yin/yang offers great insight to the principle of “retaining gentleness, no fighting”. In addition, the content of Shi Da Jing also corresponds to the ideas advocated in Cheng. Based on these two texts, I would like to point out how Huangdi Sijing influences the fundamental principle of “reaching equanimity” and its philosophic qualities for future development.
