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篇名 論象山與朱子文本所呈顯之儒學宗教性
卷期 42:10=497
並列篇名 On the Religiousness of Confucianism as Revealed in Lu Xiang-shan’s and Zhu Xi’s Texts
作者 黃信二
頁次 145-161
關鍵字 儒學之宗教性朱熹象山鬼神命運生死Religiousness of ConfucianismZhu XiLu Xiang-shanGhosts and GodsFateLife and DeathA&HCI
出刊日期 201510




Abstract: This article is to analyze and review the religiousness of Confucianism from the vantage point of the evolution of civilization. The perspective of the so-called evolution of civilization refers to the observation about the evolutional sequence of civilization from the time of religion to the time of philosophy and then to the time of science. We believe that the evolution of human nature, particularly the need for religion, is not completely transformed by the coming of science, that is, the possibility to remove religion and deny the coexistence of religion and reason. Regarding the texts of Confucianism, the theories of mind-nature have always revolved around the agenda of the fate of human beings, life and death as well as ghosts and gods. For example, both Confucius and Mengzi looked through the theories of mind-nature at how one sees life and death as well as the mysteries of life. Since the pre-Qin Confucians have been discussed elsewhere, this article focuses on the texts from the Sung and Ming Dynasties. For instance, we analyze how Zhu Xi and Lu Xiang-shan contemplated on the issue of ghosts and gods; Zhu interpreted it through li and qi, while Lu based his views on the unification of “mind, nature and li.” Based on the aforementioned backgrounds, we will examine how much of Confucianism the Neo-Confucians of the Sung Dynasty transformed to philosophy and how much the religiousness of Confucianism they preserved, seeing how they offered an existential view of philosophy not exclusive of religious feelings while the mind-nature theories of Confucianism were challenged the Buddhist theories of mind-nature.
