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篇名 清華《筮法》卦位圖所見陰陽觀
卷期 42:10=497
並列篇名 The Yin/Yang Notion Reflected in the Diagram of Eight Trigram Directions of the Shifa (Divination Methods) in the Tsinghua Collection of Bamboo Slip Manuscripts
作者 馮時
頁次 043-059
關鍵字 戰國竹書《筮法》天文時空五行陰陽八卦方位南北陰陽Bamboo Slip Manuscripts of the Warring States PeriodShifa AstronomyTime & SpaceWu-xing Yin/YangEight Trigram DirectionsEight Trigram DirectionsSouth-north and Yin/YangA&HCI
出刊日期 201510




Abstract: The traditional Chinese yin/yang theory has a long history, but there has been difficulty in reconciling the contradictions between different knowledge systems in terms of reflecting the property of yin/yang by the directions of south and north. In the system of Time & Space and Astronomy, yang is matched with south and yin with north, while in the system of Yishu (Numbers in the Yi), yang is matched with north and yin with south. These two different yin/yang notions have profoundly influenced the Chinese culture, and caused troubles in understanding relevant ritual and sacrificial institutions. The diagram of Eight Trigram directions of the Shifa (Divination Methods) in the Tsinghua Collection of Bamboo Slip Manuscripts of the Warring States period preserves an unprecedented form of Eight Trigram directions and provides solution to the previous difficulty. In combining archaeological materials with historical documents, this paper explores the issues of wu-xing (the five elements) and yin/yang formed on the base of the systems of Time & Space, Astronomy and Yishu as reflected in the diagram of Eight Trigram directions of the Shifa.
