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篇名 王船山政治思想的歷史地位與歷史影響
卷期 42:10=497
並列篇名 The Historical Position and Influence of Chuanshan Wang’s Political Thought
作者 彭傳華
頁次 163-178
關鍵字 王船山政治思想近代性因素民主主義民族主義歷史地位歷史影響Chuanshan WangPolitical ThoughtModernityDemocracyNationalismHistorical PositionHistorical InfluenceA&HCI
出刊日期 201510




Abstract: The Chinese academic world has been influenced by three “western centralized” models such as impact-response model, tradition-modernity model, imperialism model for such a long time that the modernity of Chuanshan Wang’s political thought and its historical significance have been neglected. Therefore, a breakthrough in the study of Chuanshan Wang’s political thought can be made by revealing the modernity of Chuanshan’s political thought and its profound influence on the modern history of China. The historical significance of Chuanshan Wang’s political thought lies in the profound influence of its abundant modern factors on the progression of modern Chinese history. The democratic factors in Chuanshan’s political thought had had great influence on the Reformists, while its nationalistic factors on the Revolutionaries. The great historical contributions of Chuanshan Wang’s political thought lie in the significant historical role its nationalistic thought had played in promoting the Movement of Exclusion of Manchus and in contributing to the accomplishment of the “Guangfu” (regaining of power by the Hans) cause. Even now, the progressive thoughts in Chuanshan Wang’s political thought are still a precious spiritual wealth worthy of absorption and one of the important spiritual motivations for rejuvenating the Chinese nation.
