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篇名 落實翻轉教室的核心理念
卷期 261
並列篇名 Implementing the Core Ideas of Flipped Classroom
作者 黃政傑
頁次 005-017
關鍵字 翻轉教室翻轉學習變通方法flipped classroomflipped learningalternative approach
出刊日期 201601
DOI 10.3966/168063602016010261001




The model of fl ipped classrooms has been a heated topic for the recent years. The model fl ips the traditional approach of using class time for explaining concepts and homework for reinforcement. In the beginning, many teachers jumped in, but soon faced challenges, then kept asking: Can instruction be effectively delivered at home, releasing class time for discussions, questions, practices, projects and labs? Some argue that this teaching model will completely transform education, while others say it is simply an opportunity for boring lectures to be viewed in new locations. This article discusses the pros and cons of this teaching model, explores the new abilities teachers have to learn, and proposes approaches to implement a real fl ipped classroom.
