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篇名 從莎士比亞《馬克白》至威爾第《馬克白》之探究
卷期 55
並列篇名 The Study from Shakespeare7s Macbeth to Verdi’s Macbeth
作者 范曉青
頁次 063-096
關鍵字 威爾第馬克白莎士比亞義大利文學VerdiMacbethShakespeareItaly literature
出刊日期 201701


威廉•莎士比亞(William Shakespeare, 1564-1616)在當時的英國為最受歡迎的劇作 家之一,其幽默的文筆以及獨特的寫作手法,都使得莎士比亞的風潮至今仍在世界各地 延燒著。然而,不僅止於戲劇上的研究,莎士比亞戲劇中豐富的音樂資源,也同樣引起 後人欲更加深入探究的興趣。 本文先對莎士比亞戲劇《馬克白》中的音樂作深入研究後,接著藉由探討義大利文 學的發展背景,進而推展至威爾第在十九世紀復興莎士比亞文學的熱潮之下,如何選擇 以原著《馬克白》作為改編劇本,而奠定其偉大歌劇作曲家的不朽地位加以剖析。《馬 克白》雖然是威爾第改編自莎士比亞的第一部歌劇作品,但從歌劇中,威爾第不失原著 精神的改編,並藉由音樂對角色深刻的描繪,都不難看出歌劇《馬克白》在改編莎士比 亞原著至歌劇的眾多作品中,的確佔有一席之地。


William Shakespeare (William Shakespeare, 1564-1616) was one of the most popular playwrights at that time in England. His humorous writing and unique writing techniques have made the wave still spreading around the world. However, not only the study of drama, Shakespeare's rich musical resources, but also cause future generations to explore the interests of more in-depth. After a deep study of the music in Shakespeare 's Macbeth and then by exploring the background of the development of Italian literature to the revival of Shakespeare literature in the nineteenth century, how to choose the original Macbeth as adapted script, and laid his great opera composer to the immortal status. Although Macbeth is the first adaptation of Shakespeare, from the opera, Verdi does not lose the original spirit of the adaptation, and the profound music description for the roles, it is easy to see Macbeth as the adaptation of Shakespeare original opera really have an important place.
