
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 在體育活動中兒童能力和努力概念發展的研究
卷期 22
並列篇名 The DevelopmentJ of Understanding of Ability and Effort in the Physical Domain
作者 季力康
頁次 083-093
關鍵字 能力概念目標涉入conception of abilitygoal involvementTSSCI
出刊日期 199701


本研究的目的在於探討在體育活動中兒童能力概念的發展中能力和努力的分化情形。本研究是採用質的研究來驗證Nicholls所提出的成就動機發展理論以暸解從七歲到十四歲的男女兒童對運動技能方面努力及能力的分化情形。參與本研究的受試者為台北地區國小一年級至國中二年級的學齡兒童(年齡從七歲到十四歲)共160名,其中色括8個年齡層的男女學童各10位。本研究使用拍攝的影片,藉以判斷兒童在體育活動中能力概念的發展。影片中有二位兒童,分剎主現二種明顯「不努力」和「努力」的擲球方式,區做擲壘王球求的練習,其中穿藍色背心的兒童很認真的在練習丟壘球,每一球都很專注並且瞄準;另一位穿紅色背心的兒童則花很多時間在玩旁邊放置的躲避球及踢毯子,顯示沒有認真的在練習擲壘球。受試者到達場地之後,主試者首先向受試學童說明整個施測程序。然後請受試學童觀看影片。看完影片之後由主試者對受試者進行唔談。研究結果顯示:受試者的能力概念分化符合Nicholls所提出的四個階段,而且年齡與能力和努力的發展階段是成正相關。 男生與女生在外能力和努力的發展階段沒有差異。


This investigation examined the developmental components of the Nicholls' theory of achievement motivation. Specifically, childrens' understanding of ability and effort in the physical domain. Subjects were 160 students (80 males and 80 females) age from 7-14years. Subjects were asked to viewed a film which showed two children exerting unequal effort. After viewing the film, subjects were interviewed. The results in accord with the Nicholls' theory. Children's understanding of ability and effort in the physical domain has four stages. Furthermore, there was a significant positive correlation between age and the maturation of understanding ability and effort. In other words, there was a tendency for subjects to have a more mature understanding ability and effort when children's getting older. No gender difference was found in children's understanding ability and effort in the physical domain.

