
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 多媒體GIS在城鄉建物管理與製圖之應用-以花蓮北埔地區為例
卷期 14
並列篇名 An Application of Multi-media GIS on City Buildings Management and Mapping A Case Study of Beipu Area, Hualien
作者 聞祝達
頁次 187-194
關鍵字 地理資訊系統多媒體技術建物管理主題製圖Geographic information SystemGISMulti-media TechniqueBuilding ManagementThematic Mapping
出刊日期 200407




GIS is a powerful tool for spatial analysis, and it can be strengthened by the introducing of multi-media technology that under the window operation environment. This article has studied the management of city buildings with the combination of GIS software (Mapinfo v6.0) and multi-media techniques in Beipu area, Hualien. Not only the functions of query, counting, analysis, and thematic mapping can be used for buildings management, but the building images can also be displayed by the spatial query simultaneously. This will give another way to simulate the reality, and it is much valuable for picture imagery using in the city buildings management and archiving.

