
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 地圖教材表徵世界觀教育之功能分析:以國小四至六年級社會教科書為例
卷期 14
並列篇名 The Function Representation of Global Education with Map Materials-An Analysis on the Social Studies Textbooks for Grade 4-6
作者 彭筱婷陳麗華
頁次 173-186
關鍵字 世界觀教育地圖教材Global EducationMap Materials
出刊日期 200407




This study combined global education with the maps in the social studies textbooks for grade4-6, and examined the function of the map materials for attaining the objectives of global education. In this study, the scope of global education was defined as from Taiwan to the world area. The social studies textbooks for grade 4-6 were analyzed how they represent the content of global education with map materials in order to foster students the perspective of global education in the interdependently global age. According to the findings, a new approach of curriculum design for global education was proposed. And some suggestions were provided for the textbook editors and teachers.

