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篇名 臺灣雇主品牌之實證研究-以大學畢業生為例
卷期 30
並列篇名 An Empirical Study on Employer Brand in Taiwan - A Case Study of University Graduates
作者 李啓誠
頁次 069-088
關鍵字 雇主品牌人力資本人力資源管理員工招募Employer BrandingHuman CapitalHuman Resource ManagementEmployee Recruitment
出刊日期 201710


雇主品牌有助於企業於招募市場上順利取得人才且在內部留住人才,可正向連結組織的生產 力、績效及競爭優勢,對企業組織是極其重要的。本研究旨在探討當前大學應屆畢業生對台灣雇 主品牌各要素之知覺重點,以提供產業界於人力招募及提高留職率之參考。經由問卷調查抽取 452 份有效樣本,並利用敘述統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析等方法分析。所獲得結果是,求 職者普遍重視雇主品牌之經濟性、功能性及心理性等構面的要素,其中最重視項目是「工作保 障」,此反映出於不景氣的經濟環境下對工作期待呈現的傾向。而女性求職者對「無壓力環境」、 「標準工時」、「小型組織」、「企業聲譽」、「關心員工」等要素重視程度顯著高於男性;公立大學 求職者比私立學校更重視於「高起薪」、「工作自主」、「唯才適用」及「產品質量」等要素;而不 同科系別求職者對於「旅遊機會」、「無壓力環境」、「用人理念」、「標準工時」、「關心員工」等要 素之重視程度也有顯著的差異。最後,就本研究結果提出建議,以為企業於募才及留才之參考。


Employer brand helps companies to successfully recruit talent in the recruitment market and retain talent internally, can be linked to the organization's productivity, performance and competitive advantage, is extremely important for business organizations. The purpose of this study is to explore the current perceptions of university graduates on the elements of the Taiwanese employer brand in order to provide a reference for the industry to recruit and improve retention rates. 452 valid samples were collected by questionnaire survey and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t test and one-way analysis of variance. As a result, jobseekers generally value the economic, functional, and psychological dimensions of the employer's brand, with the most important of these being "job security", which reflects a desire for work in a depressed economy. Female job seekers pay more attention to factors such as "no pressure environment", "standard working hours", "small organization", "corporate reputation" and "care for employees". Job seekers in public universities pay more attention to factors such as "high starting salary", "work autonomy", "meritocracy" and "product quality" rather than private schools, while job seekers of different disciplines are also significant differences in the of "no pressure environment", "employment concept", "standard working hours" and "care for employees". Finally, the results of this study to make recommendations that enterprises in the recruitment of talent and talent for reference.
