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篇名 幼保系學生育兒資源中心專業服務學習之研究
卷期 30
並列篇名 Service-learning of College Students with Majors in early Childhood Care and Education at Childcare Resource Center
作者 莊美玲
頁次 137-150
關鍵字 服務學習,幼保系學生育兒資源中心service-learningCollege students of Department of early childhood Care and Educationchildcare resource center
出刊日期 201710


服務學習(service-learning)近年來在台灣愈來愈受到重視,服務學習是一種教學和學習策略,透 過督導及反思活動,整合有意義之社區服務,以豐富學習經驗,透過「服務」與「學習」相結合, 使學生於「服務」過程中得到「學習」的效果。此研究為產學案與課程之結合,研究者從100 學 年下學期開始,每學期均結合幼保專業課程帶領班級到該育兒資源中心進行服務學習融入專業課 程,截至目前已連續進行八個學期,共有九門專業課程與童愛館的服務學習相結合。本研究採取 質性研究方法來對教學案例的發展及其延續性進行深入的探討。本研究在服務學習融入專業課程 方面,採用檔案紀錄(每位學生的反思日誌)、直接觀察、參與性觀察、和實物證據(學習成果), 本研究呈現服務學習融入專業課程的成果及同學的收穫,由同學的心得可以看出同學的收穫。


Service-learning has received increasingly attention recently in western countries as well as in Taiwan. It is a method of teaching that combines classroom instruction with meaningful community service. This form of learning emphasizes critical thinking and personal reflection. Service-learning involves students in community service activities and applies the experience to personal and academic development. It differs from internship experience or volunteer work because its intention is to equally benefit the provider and the recipient of the service. In this study, the curriculum was designed to benefit all the people who engaged in the activities, including students, young children and their parents. I have combined early childhood courses with service-learning in Qian-Zhen-Cao-Ya Childcare Resource Center since 2012. I integrated academic learning with community service to provide college students the opportunity of learning through services. Until winter 2015, nine courses have been joined with community service in the childcare resource center. This study was a qualitative study and the data collections include literature review, service-learning plans, reflection journals, interviews, and observation. The study showed that service-learning benefits students personally, which includes bringing in positive feelings about learning, helping students be aware of their shortages, and motivating students to learn. Reciprocal benefits include enriching young children’s learning, strengthening parent-child relationship, and supplying suggestions for future arrangement of service-learning.
