
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 在運動情境中兒童「運氣」與「技巧」概念的分化階段及其「成敗歸因」的研究
卷期 31、31
並列篇名 The Attribution Tendency and the Levels of Differentiation of the Concept of Luck and Skill in Physical Domain
作者 李榮豐季力康
頁次 103-114
關鍵字 能力概念運氣技巧歸因Self perceive abilityLuckSkillAttributionTSSCI
出刊日期 200109


     本研究透過質的方法驗證Nicholls所提出的成就動機發展理論中,在能力概念發展中有關於「運氣和技巧概念」的分化階段,從而探討各階段兒童的成敗歸因傾向。隨機抽取 8、9 和 10 歲兒童(各有 52 名、48 名、48 名),共 152 名為受試者,進行 3 回合(練習、明卡和暗卡各一回合),每回做 15 鏢的飛鏢投擲。主試者首先向受試者詳細說明規則後,受試者便輪流進入施測場地,然後由主試者對受試者進行第一階段晤談,內容有 9題,旨在判斷其「運氣和技巧概念」分化的階段,繼而進行飛鏢投擲練習;練習結束後便進行第二階段的晤談,內容有 2 題,旨在了解其「成敗歸因」。 研究結果顯示:一、兒童在體育活動中的分化階段符合 Nicholls 所提出的四個階段,其發展階段與年齡成正相關。二、運動代表隊較非運動代表隊兒童的概念發展階段為快。三、處於較低分化階段的兒童,傾向於將「運氣性工作」的「成敗」歸因於「努力與能力」。四、相對的,處於較高分化階段的兒童,傾向於將「運氣性工作」的「成敗」歸因於「運氣與難度」。本文並提出有關「體育教學」與「未來研究方法」之相關建議。


     The investigation examined the developmental components of theNicholls' theory of achievement motivation. Specifically, children'sunderstanding of luck and skill in the physical domain. The sequent attributiontendency was discussed too. Subjects were 152 students age from 8-10 years(eight 52, night 48, ten 48). Subjects were asked to engage dart- throwingpractice three cycle, fifteen times a cycle. The practice was separated intothree parts: practice task, skilled task and luckily task. Before and after thedart-throwing practice, subjects were interviewed. The results were consistenttheoretical predictions and indicated that (1) Children's understanding of luckand skill in the physical domain has four stages. Furthermore, (2) there was asignificant positive correlation between age and the maturation of understandingluck and skill. In other words, there was a tendency for subjects to have a moremature understanding luck and skill when children were getting older. On theother hand, (3) there was a tendency for subjects to have a less matureunderstanding luck and skill signally attributed the success or failure to

