
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 我國女子舉重選手體型、年齡、年資與舉重成績表現相關性之研究
卷期 31
並列篇名 An Relationship Analysis of R.O.C. Female Weightlifters' Age, Playing Year and Somatotype
作者 劉于詮
頁次 1-12
關鍵字 Weightlifting performanceAgePlaying yearSomatotype舉重成績表現年資年齡體型TSSCI
出刊日期 200109


女子舉重為我國的重點奪牌項目,歷年來更是在國際賽會中奪取優異之成績。要維持這樣的成績,當然得尋找優異新秀並制定出明確的訓練目標,以提昇選手的實力並在國際比賽獲取優異成績。因此本研究以 47 位第一屆全國運動會女子舉重選手為受試者,以體重計、身高測量計、皮尺進行測量,蒐集整理其年齡、年資、身體各肢段長度與體型等資料並研究資料與選手抓、挺舉與總和成績之關係,以作為女子舉重選材及訂定訓練計劃之依據。研究結果顯示:一、選手平均 20.55 歲,平均年資 6.30 年,平均在 14.25 歲開始參與訓練。前三名選手年齡與年資均顯著大於其他名次之選手( P<.05 )。 選手年資和三舉成績均達顯著相關( P<.05 )。二、選手身高、坐高、下肢長、臂長均隨級別增加而增加。坐高╱下肢長比率除了第四、六、七級外其他仍有下肢較短或上半身較長之情形。 和 20 歲以下選手比較,20 歲以上選手平均身高較高,其他身體肢段則未達顯著之差異( P<.05 )。 在與成績相關方面,選手身高與下肢長和三舉成績均有顯著相關( P<.01 )。三、比重指數和三舉成績相關性最大,為本研究判定選手體型之基準。本研究選手平均比重指數為 40.48,且隨著級別增加而遞增。以該指數判定標準來看,第一、二級選手較為瘦弱,第三、四、五級適中,第七、八級較為肥胖。四、以年齡、年資、各肢段長度、體重與體型指數為自變項進行多元迴歸分析後發現三舉成績只能經由體重與年資來預測, 且預測抓、挺舉與總和之預測力分別為 51.7 %、55.4 %和 54.3%。


Female weightlifting is the important item of our country to medal in world's competition and performed well in recent years. To maintain this achievement, find suitable athletes and make training object are important. In this study, 47 female weightlifters joined 1st R.O.C. Game served as subjects. Collected their age, playing year and somatotype data to study the relationship between them and to offer the reference for coaches. Results indicated that:1. subjects' average age was 20.55 years old. Average playing years was 6.30 years and began to train when they were 14.25 years old. Excellent subjects' (1st, 2nd and 3rd athletes in each level) age and playing year were bigger than others significantly (P<.05). Subjects' playing year and performance (weights of snatch, clean & jerk and total) correlated significantly (P<.05). 2.Subjects' height, sitting height, lower extremity length and arm length increased by level. Comparing with 4, 6 and 7 level, others had shorter lower extremity and longer sitting height. Subjects over 20 years old had longer height. But sitting height, lower extremity, arm length and sitting height/ lower extremity ratio were not different significant (P<.05) with subjects under 20 years old. As for the correlation with performance, it was significant with subjects' height and sitting height (P<.01). 3.In all index, Quitlet's Index had the strongest relationship with performance. It's average is 40.48 and increasing with level. Using the index to assess we found 1 and 2 level subjects were thinner. 3, 4, and 5 were moderate. 7 and 8 level were fatter. 4. Using age, playing years, extremities, body weight and somatotype index to predict performance, only playing years and body weight could predict. In snatch, clean & jerk and total, playing years and body weight predicted 51.7%, 55.4% and 54.3%.

