
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 花蓮地區老年人休閒動機與休閒阻礙之研究
卷期 31
並列篇名 The Study of Leisure Motivation and Leisure Constraints for Elderly Populations in Hualien
作者 尚憶薇
頁次 183-192
關鍵字 Leisure constraintsLeisure motivationElderly populations休閒阻礙休閒動機老年人TSSCI
出刊日期 200109


本研究的主要目的是依據老年人不同的性別、種族、和年齡,探討其休閒動機和休閒阻礙之差異。本研究採用休閒動機量表( Murray & Nakajima,1999 )和休閒阻礙量表( Carroll&Alexandris,1997 ),所得結果如下:1.就性別差異而言,女性老年人和男性老年人休閒活動的動機並沒有差異。女性老年人在休閒阻礙中的休閒活動知識獲得比男性老年人缺乏。2.就種族差異而言,一般老年人參與休閒活動的動機是刺激日常生活與逃避孤獨寂寞。在休閒阻礙中,一般老年人比原住民老年人重視休閒活動設施與服務品質。另外,原住民老年人大多居住於鄉下偏遠的地區,無法即時獲得休閒活動方面的訊息,增加參與休閒活動阻礙。3.就年齡差異而言, 60 歲至 80 歲之間的老年人參與休閒活動是為了增進自我與他人互動,並且受到同伴的影響極深。 在休閒阻礙中,80 歲以上的老年人認為休閒設施和休閒資訊並非是參與休閒活動的重要因素。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between gender, races, and age levels in leisure motivations and leisure constraints for elderly populations in Hualien. There were several findings as following: 1. There were no differences between female and male elderly participants. Female elderly participants had less knowledge of leisure activities than male elderly participants. 2. The motivations of regular elderly participants were to stimulus from the demands of daily life and to escape from being alone. In leisure constraints, regular elderly participants were more focused on leisure facilities and services than native elderly participants. 3. The motivations of elderly participants between 60 to 80 year-old were improving social skills. In leisure constraints, elderly participants who were above 80 year-old didn't emphasize on leisure facilities and leisure information.

