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篇名 使用前後文篩選之快速具名實體擷取技術
卷期 154
並列篇名 Fast Named Entity Extraction Using Context Filtering
作者 劉昭宏吳宗憲
頁次 041-047
關鍵字 具名實體辨識非監督式辨識前後文篩選Named Entity Recognition; NERUnsupervised RecognitionContext Filtering
出刊日期 201312




Recognizing named entities in texts is one of the fundamental tasks in natural language processing (NLP). Named entities are sematic classes used to represent concepts like names of people and places, etc.Traditionally, the training of named entity recognition (NER) systems relied on large annotated corpus which requires a lot of human involvement. This led to limited improvements on accuracies of the NER systems. It also lacks flexibility when the definitions of entities are changed or modified; human annotated corpus which reflects the new definitions is still required. This has posed a major obstacle to many applications of natural language processing. In this paper, we proposed a fast extraction method using context filtering to retrieve required corpus for the training of NER systems. The implemented method allows us to quickly collect amounts
of training corpus in orders of magnitude, thus improves the performance of Chinese named entity recognition and is capable to quickly adapt into different genres of NLP tasks.
