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篇名 應用於嵌入式系統之可組態化圖形處理引擎設計
卷期 154
並列篇名 Configurable Graphic Processing Engine Design for Embedded System Application
作者 王昱凱林建宏陳宗賢
頁次 061-068
關鍵字 嵌入式系統繪圖處理引擎即時作業系統Embedded SystemGraphic Processing EngineReal-Time Operating System
出刊日期 201312


本文提出一個高效能整合型可組態化圖形處理引擎的架構, 其中包括 32 位元處理器以及多種繪圖引擎, 並使用共用的 DDR2 記憶體, 能讓一個螢幕使用 256MB 的記憶體繪圖, 並且可提供每行掃瞄線超過六千個畫素顯示,約為八層具有透明的圖層,繪圖機制以 Sprite-based 為主, 能提供動態且色彩豐富的遊戲內容。此技術適合應用於大型的遊戲機台, 將提供更快速的聲光效果。


We provide a high performance integrated graphic processing engine system, which includes a 32-bit processor and various graphic engines, with shared DDR2 memory. Each screen is equipped with 256MB of the shared DDR2 memory, and the engines are capable of rendering over 6000 alpha pixels per scan line, or approximately eight alpha layers. The sprite-based architecture of the proposed system is competent for the arcade game application which demands the efficiency and steady frame rate of the screen rendering.
