
International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Scopus


本期卷期 11:1
出刊日期 201303
並列刊名 國際應用科學與工程學刊
刊期 不定期
ISSN 1727-2394
出版單位 朝陽科技大學理工學院
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行/新卷期暫停授權
  • 本期卷期:11:1
  • 出刊日期:201303
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Effect of Back Pressure and Flow Geometry on PEM Fuel Cell Performance - An Experimental Study B. Sreenivasulu、G. Vasu、V. Dharma Rao、S. V. Naidu 4-Serpentine flow channelsback pressuredual inlet single outletfuel cellPEM.Scopus
2 Influence of Input Parameters on Characteristics of Electro Chemical Machining Process C. Senthilkumar、G. Ganesan、R. Karthikeyan Electrochemical machining response surface methodology metal removal rate surface roughness Scopus
3 Slow Release of Potash Fertilizer Through Polymer Coating Ch. V. Subbarao、G. Kartheek、D. Sirisha Fertilizerpolyacrylamideslow releasesoil erosionreplenishment timeScopus
4 Microring Resonator Based on 3x3 General Multimode Interference Structures Using Silicon Waveguides for Highly Sensitive Sensing and Optical Communication Applications Faculty of Information Technology、Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment、Ha Noi、Viet Nam 41A、Phu Dien road、Tu Liem、Ha Noi、Viet Nam Optical sensoroptical biosensingmicroring resonatormultimode interference couplersilicon waveguideScopus
5 Effects of Compression Ratio and EGR on Performance, Combustion and Emissions of Di Injection Diesel Engine N. Ravi Kumar、Y. M. C. Sekhar、S. Adinarayana VCR diesel engineEGRemission analysisScopus
6 A Numerical Patching Method for Solving Singular Perturbation Problems Via Padé Approximates P. Padmaja、Y. N. Reddy Singular perturbation problemsboundary layerboundary layer correctionPade’ approximates.Scopus
7 Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Identification of Unbalance and Looseness in Rotor Bearing Systems M. Chandra Sekhar Reddy、A. S. Sekhar Unbalancelooseness; rotorvibration analysisneural networks.Scopus
8 An Adaptive Quantization Scheme for 2-D DWT Coefficients Po-Yueh Chen、Jia-Yu Chang Image compressionquantizationDWT coefficients.Scopus
9 Computational Method for Solving Singularly Perturbed Delay Differential Equations with Negative Shift Gemechis File、Y. N. Reddy Singular perturbationsdelay differential equationsdelay parameterboundary layeperturbation parameter; trapezoidal rule.Scopus
10 A Feasibility Evaluation of a Combined Solar and Wind Energy System in Taiwan Feng-Jiao Liu、Hong-Hsi Ko、Tsung-Chi Lin、Shyi-Shiun Kuo、Shye-Chorng Kuo、Ying-Hsin Liang、Tian-Pau Chang Combined systemsolar energywind energyWeibull function.Scopus

