
International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Scopus


本期卷期 4:2
出刊日期 200609
並列刊名 國際應用科學與工程學刊
刊期 不定期
ISSN 1727-2394
出版單位 朝陽科技大學理工學院
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行/新卷期暫停授權
  • 本期卷期:4:2
  • 出刊日期:200609
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Quantitative Determination of Corosolic acid in Lagerstroemia Speciosa Leaves, Extracts and Dosage Forms Katta Vijaykumar、Papolu B. Murthy、Sukala Kannababu、B. Syamasundar、Gottumukkala V. Subbaraju Corosolic acidLagerstroemia speciosadosage formsHPLCHPTLCScopus
2 Biological Screening of Medicinal Plants Collected from Eastern Ghats of India Using Artemia salina (Brine Shrimp Test) Alluri V. Krishnaraju、Tayi V. N. Rao、Dodda Sundararaju、Mulabagal Vanisree、Hsin-Sheng Tsay、Gottumukkala V. Subbaraju Artemia salinacytotoxicitybrine shrimpIndian medicinal plantsScopus
3 Application of Closed-Form Solution for Normal Surface Displacements on Impacted Half Space : Quantification of Impact-Echo Signals Chih-Peng Yu、Chia-Chi Cheng、Jiunnren Lai Impact-Echotransfer functionRayleigh wave formnormal response on a half-spaceScopus
4 Residual Bearing Capabilities of Fire-Exposed Reinforced Concrete Beams J. H. Hsu、C. S. Lin Residualbearing capabilitiesfire-exposedRC beamsScopus
5 Hazard Assessment of Debris Flows by Statistical Analysis and GIS in Central Taiwan Ping-Sien Lin、Ji-Yuan Lin、Shang-Yuh Lin、Jiunnren Lai debris-flowhazard assessmentgeographic information systemmultivariate analysisScopus
6 Simulation with Fuzzy Durations Tao-Ming Cheng、Hsien-Tang Wu fuzzy durationdiscrete event simulationScopus
7 Development of Ultrasonic Clutch Module with Piezoelectric Vibrators Kuo-Tsai Chang ultrasonic clutchfrictional memberpiezoelectric vibratorScopus
8 A Note on a Three-Dimensional Bäcklund Transformation Xuncheng Huang、Edward H. C. Chang Bäcklund transformationLiouville equationsuperposition formulaScopus

