
International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Scopus


本期卷期 8:1
出刊日期 201010
並列刊名 國際應用科學與工程學刊
刊期 不定期
ISSN 1727-2394
出版單位 朝陽科技大學理工學院
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行/新卷期暫停授權
  • 本期卷期:8:1
  • 出刊日期:201010
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Separation of Styrene-Ethyl Benzene MixtureThrough Hydrotropy Mohanasundaram, Rajendran、Jayakumar, Chinnakannu、Gandhi, Nagarajan Nagendra HydrotropySeparationHydrotropesHydrophobicEnhanced solubilityScopus
2 Application of Prediction Techniques to Road Safety in Developing Countries Al-Matawah, Jamal、Jadaan, Khair Road safetyPrediction modelsDeveloping countriesScopus
3 Simultaneous Determination of Curcumin and Berberine in Their Pure Form and from theCombined Extracts of Curcuma Longa and Berberis Aristata Pundarikakshudu, Kilambi、Dave, Hiral N. Simultaneous determinationDerivative spectroscopyCurcuminBerberineCurcuma longaBerberis aristataScopus
4 Wireless Logger for Biosignals Liu, Yung-ping、Chen, Hsieh-ching、Sung, Peng-cheng EKGEMGTelemetryData acquisitionMonitoring systemScopus
5 Wind Speed and Power Density Analyses Based on Mixture Weibull and Maximum Entropy Distributions Chang, Tian-pau Wind speedWind power densityProbability density functionScopus
6 Asset Write-Offs Prediction by Support Vector Machine and Logistic Regression Wu, Chei-wei、Chen, Ching-lung、Cheng, Chi-bin Asset write-offsSupport vector machineLogistic regressionLogitBaggingScopus
7 Wave Pipelined VLSI Architecture for a Viterbi Decoder Using Self Reset Logic with 0.65nm Technology Devi T., Kalavathi、Venkatesh, C. Wave pipeliningSelf reset logicViterbi decoderMicro windLayoutScopus
8 Solving Fuzzy Bi-Criteria Fixed Charge Transportation Problem Using a New Fuzzy Algorithm Kumar, Amit、Gupta, Anila、Sharma, Mahesh Kumar Trapezoidal fuzzy numberBi-criteria fixed charge transportation problemLinear ranking functionScopus

