
International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Scopus


本期卷期 14:2
出刊日期 201607
並列刊名 國際應用科學與工程學刊
刊期 不定期
ISSN 1727-2394
出版單位 朝陽科技大學理工學院
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行/新卷期暫停授權
  • 本期卷期:14:2
  • 出刊日期:201607
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Unsteady MHD Free Convection Flow Characteristics of a Viscoelastic Fluid Past a Vertical Porous Plate L. Ramamohan Reddy、M. C. Raju、G.S.S. Raju Visco elastic fluidoscillatory flowthermal radiationchemical reactionheat and mass transferradiation absorptionporous plateScopus
2 Remote Analysis of Soil Macronutrients Using Optical Sensor for Precision Agriculture Muhammad E. H. Chowdhury、Md Belayat Hossain、Tamal Adhikary、Mir Toufikur Rahman、Md. Abdur Razzaque Soil nutrientmacronutrientsammonia nitrogennitrate nitrogenphosphorusLEDScopus
3 On a Variant of Newton’s Method for Simple and Multiple Roots of Non Linear Equations K. L. Verma Numerical analysisnonlinear equationsiterative methodsroot mean squareorder of convergenceasymptotic error constantsScopus
4 MHD Flow past a Vertical Plate with Variable Temperature and Mass Diffusion in the Presence of Hall Current U. S. Rajput、Neetu Kanaujia MHD flowHall currentvariable temperatureconstant mass diffusionScopus
5 Performance Analysis of MUSIC DOA Algorithm Estimation in Multipath Environment for Automotive Radars Muhib Ur Rahman MUSIC DOA estimationbeamformingmultipath environmentautomotive radarssmart antennasScopus

