
International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Scopus


本期卷期 16:1
出刊日期 201906
並列刊名 國際應用科學與工程學刊
刊期 不定期
ISSN 1727-2394
出版單位 朝陽科技大學理工學院
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行/新卷期暫停授權
  • 本期卷期:16:1
  • 出刊日期:201906
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Effect of Aggregate Type and Polymer Modification on the Performance of Bituminous Concrete Mixes Harpreet Singh、Tanuj Chopra、Sambhav Jain、Amandeep Kaur、Sahil Kamotra VG30 bitumenSBS modified bitumenZycothermlimestone aggregateriverbed aggregateMarshall StabilityITSScopus
2 Shaping Business Process Agility in Telecommunication 4.0 Randy Kurniawan、Mohammad Hamsal Business performancebusiness process agilitymarket-orientedintegrated product developmentnetworking capabilitynimble organizational structureScopus
3 Impact of Plastic Packaging Design on the Sustainability of Plastic Recyclers Mohammad Riski Borman、Djoko Sihono Gabriel、Rahmat Nurcahyo Sustainabilityflexible packagingrecycledesignplastic wasteScopus
4 Determining Factors of Quality Uncertainty and Its Control Analysis in Remanufacturing System Mohamad Imron Mustajib、Udisubakti Ciptomulyono、Nani Kurniati Core acquisitionremanufacturing operationscore acceptance conditionScopus
5 Analyzing the Drivers of Green Manufacturing Practices Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Case Study Bandarharjo Fish Smoked Industry Centre Aries Susanty、Singgih Saptadi、Wini Rossa Dewi、Benny Tjahjono Bandarharjodriversgreen manufacturingfuzzy TOPSISSMEs of smoked fishScopus
6 Reaching Fault Diagnosis Consensuson a Multiple Damage Unreliable Wireless Sensor Network Yao-Te Tsai、Shu-Ching Wang、Mao-Lun Chiang Wireless sensor networkConsensusFault tolerantFault diagnosisDual failure modeScopus
7 Automatic Polyp Recognition from Colonoscopy Images Based on Bag of Visual Words Zhe Guo、Xin Zhu、Qin Li、Daiki Nemoto、Daisuke Takayanagi、Masato Aizawa、Noriyuki Isohata、Kenichi Utano、Kensuke Kumamoto、Shungo Endo、Kazutomo Togashi Bag of visual wordscolorectal cancercolonoscopyregion of interestScopus

