
International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Scopus


本期卷期 4:3
出刊日期 200612
並列刊名 國際應用科學與工程學刊
刊期 不定期
ISSN 1727-2394
出版單位 朝陽科技大學理工學院
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行/新卷期暫停授權
  • 本期卷期:4:3
  • 出刊日期:200612
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Populus, the New Model System for Investigating Phenylpropanoid Complexity Chung-Jui Tsai、Walid El Kayal、Scott A. Harding ligninphenolic glycosidescondensed tanninsPopulus genomeScopus
2 Investigation on Oxidation of Cyclic Ketones and Synthesis of ω-Bromoalkanoic Acids Yi-Ling Liou、Chin-The Huang cyclic ketoneshydroxyalkanoic acidsbromoalkanoic acidshydrogen peroxideand anti-SARS disinfectantScopus
3 Influence of Cadmium on Growth of Root Vegetable and Accumulation of Cadmium in the Edible Root Shu-Fen Cheng、Chin-Yuan Huang plantaccumulationheavy metaledible rootScopus
4 Hopf Bifurcation in a Generalized Predator-Prey Model Kaixiang Yan、Xuncheng Huang cubic systempredator-preyHopf bifurcationperiodic solutionScopus
5 Comparing Steady-state Performance of Dispatching Rule-pairs in Open Shops Horng-Chyi Horng Open shopsSteady-state SimulationDispatching RulesScopus
6 A DWT Based Approach for Image Steganography Po-Yueh Chen、Hung-Ju Lin Discrete Wavelet TransformSecuritySteganographyScopus
7 Measurement of Laddering Wave in Lossy Serpentine Delay Line Fang-Lin Chao lossy delay linecrosstalkserpentineScopus
8 Enhanced Constrained Run-Length Algorithm for Complex Layout Document Processing Hung-Ming Sun constrained run-length algorithmpage segmentationdocument processingScopus

