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篇名 Women, Environment and the Subsistence Perspective: An Ecofeminist Reading on Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time (1976)
卷期 6
並列篇名 女性、環境和永續經營理念:以生態女性主義閱讀瑪芝.皮爾西之《時空邊緣的女人》
作者 吳孟樺
頁次 247-262
關鍵字 生態女性主義資本主義父權永續經營EcofeminismCapitalismPatriarchySubsistence perspective
出刊日期 201007


本文寫作以關懷地球為出發點。在全球化和資本主義影響下,山林、土地、河川等自然資源,常被視為取之不盡且用之不竭。直到近日,經由體驗無常的氣候變遷,人們才對自然、生態、環保議題稍有警覺。事實上,早在八零年代,小說家瑪芝.皮爾西於其《時空邊緣的女人》中早已關注環保話題。為徹底了解《時空邊緣的女人》及其探討議題,本文將以德國Bielefed 學派為探討依據。本文將點出瑪芝‧皮爾西《時空邊緣的女人》中所表達的理念與德國Bielefed 學派思維有許多異曲同工之妙:兩者皆提倡結合社會人文與自然環保之永續經營理念,並企圖藉由女性與環境的互動,引導出改革社會並解決環境問題方法。此外,在論證之中,本文亦將呈現《時空邊緣的女人》所展示之異於單音父權、資本社經制度之雌雄同體多重價值體系社會。在這多重價值體系中,男人、女人、非人(動物)、自然皆獲得平等重視,並達成永續生存。換言之《時空邊緣的女人》提供當代一種「另類」活路。


The starting point of this paper is earth care. Under the influence of globalism and capitalism,forests, lands, and rivers are believed as resources that never run into depletion. Recently, with the
extraordinary climatic changes, people have become conscious of the environment. In fact, early in the 80s, in Woman on the Edge of Time, Marge Piercy has shown her environmental concerns.To scrutinize Woman on the Edge of Time, this paper associates the novel with the belief of the
Bielefed School for their shared critique of capitalism and patriarchism as well as common concept of new relationships to nature and among people. In the discussion, against the capitalist patriarchy and its one-dimensional value judgment, Women on the Edge of Time demonstrates an
androgynous social system with multi-dimensional value assessment. Within the androgynous society, equality among man/woman, human/non-human, and culture/nature as well as sustainability of the whole ecosystem are valued. In other words, Women on the Edge of Time provides an alternative to the contemporary society
