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篇名 歐洲古版本時期「哥德活字」之造形脈絡研究
卷期 20
並列篇名 The Evolution of Gothic Typeface in “Incunabula”
作者 曾培育
頁次 020-043
關鍵字 哥德字體活字印刷古版本文藝復興Gothic letterTypographic printingIncunabulaRenaissance
出刊日期 201612


本文為「西方印刷初期字體造形理念」系列相關研究中,哥德活字相關議題之總結, 亦為之前「中世紀哥德書寫字形」與「15 世紀德國活字印刷與哥德活字造形」兩項研究 成果的延續。依據手抄書籍中書寫字形的概念,並以德國最初哥德活字為中心,結合當 時印刷業在歐洲擴散的地理關係與時代背景,再進一步探討「哥德字體」在15 世紀印刷 初期,各地區從書寫到印刷的字形風格變遷。目的探討活字印刷和哥德字體演化的關係, 以及思考古版本時期,歐洲印刷字體使用趨勢之形成因素。研究範圍為15 世紀後半期的 歐洲各主要出版地區,希望解讀各地印刷活動與哥德字體發展的關係。研究步驟先就文 獻辯證相關的文化認知,並先歸納印刷前的書寫風格類型,再從文藝復興時期的人文地 理觀點,整理當時印刷發展環境與重點地區;依據印刷技術傳播路徑與各地區字體風格 的交流互動關係,整理從書寫到印刷活字的造型發展脈絡,最後歸納哥德活字家族系統 的形成和書寫字體的關係。


This study is a phase subject of the series of research on the lettering concept of printing type, also continues the result of the present study, medieval gothic script. According to the concept of gothic manuscript, the gothic prototype will be discussed about its use and evolution in the incunabula during the 15th century. The purpose of the study is to figure out the relationship between gothic type and printing, and to think over the motive of the type using tendency in this period. Germany area in the 15th century became the key point in this study, wishing to understand how the local culture effecting the type evolution. Also, by thinking of the historical point about print and incunabula, and the cultural meaning of gothic letter, the document research will help to make a clear sense for discussing. Thus, this study will annotate the meaning presented by its evolution during the early stage of printing.
