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篇名 服飾品牌企業標準色研究
卷期 20
並列篇名 A Study of the Brand Colors of Apparel Brands
作者 葉韋伶黃雅卿
頁次 101-119
關鍵字 服飾品牌企業標準色色彩意象色彩嗜好Apparel BrandBrand ColorColor ImageColor Preference
出刊日期 201612




Taiwan, one of the developed countries, high standard of living, is a great demand for clothing; therefore, a lot of international apparel brands expanded their business in Taiwan. Recent years have seen people in Taiwan devoted to apparel industry and founded their own brands. Competition among apparel brands is intense in Taiwan. When it comes to brand, the brand color is the most important element in brand identity. For this reason, apparel brands take time to consider their brand colors, and then express their brand image to their target customers. This research takes international apparel brands for samples, and divides them into three classes, luxury brands, masstige brands, and children's clothing brands, and then chooses 20 samples for each class. This research compares the difference of the brand colors among the three classes, and analyzes the relation between brand color and brand position. The results show that in the different classes, there are different tendencies to the brand colors; moreover, the different target customer largely determines the decision of brand color.
