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篇名 圖片配置與內文編排之閱讀舒適性實驗研究
卷期 20
並列篇名 A Study of Reading Comfort on Different Image Layouts in Literature
作者 侯純純林品章陳俊宏黃文宗
頁次 140-151
關鍵字 華文編排圖片配置閱讀視覺效果Layout of pictureTypographicReading Perception
出刊日期 201612


編排的版面空間是由圖與文所構成,其編排的變數包含字體、字級、字間、長平、行間、欄距、欄 數、圖片、裝飾線等,每一個元素在視覺上都會影響平衡與協調,其中以圖片配置是最影響版面平衡及 閱讀感受的重要因素。從圖片配置與內文閱讀的相關研究得知,圖片配置於版面的不同位置時會影響視 覺的注意率,心理學家也認為相同元素放置不同位置會呈現不同的視覺重量,更有學者提出版面位置的 偏好是與生俱來的。本研究基於這些基礎,從閱讀的視覺感受及舒適性差異進行感性面的實驗研究,以 單張圖片配置為變數製作刺激物圖卡樣本,設計成受測者內實驗設計,由106 位受測者進行樣本排序後, 再以「閱讀感知評量表」評量閱讀感受,並由受測者回饋印象,以瞭解不同圖片配置之版面編排對於閱 讀舒適性的影響。 研究結果顯示:(1)圖片配置於上方及左側有較佳的閱讀舒適性;(2)受測者設計教育背景差異在 感知態度評量上呈現顯著差異;(3)不同受測者在圖片配置感知態度評價上有差異,但並不影響整體閱 讀舒適性排序的普遍現象。本研究未來將逐步探討編排中其他要素的閱讀舒適性效果,期能強化華文編 排設計閱讀感性研究的理論基礎。


Elements of layout include the caption, body, position of the picture, font type, font size, style, letter-spacing, leading-spacing, number of columns, column-spacing, picture, separation lines, and many more. Each element has its own weight, in order to create a visual balance and symmetry as well as coordination. Amongst all the layout elements, the position of the picture is the one that has the greatest influence on the balance of the layout and reading itself. The design of the experiment is to use the position of pictures as a variable. Printed sample cards were used to design an experimental test. 106 subjects were selected and their ranking results were used in the discussion of picture layouts and reading comfort context. The study results are presented as follows: (1) a picture placed on the top or the left will look more comfortable; (2) subjects with experience or education in visual design gave different individual layout assessment results from subjects without any background in visual design; (3) while assessment results differed for individual layouts, assessment results of all the layouts followed a similar trend for all subjects regardless of background. This study presents the partial result of a series of researches. Other reading perception questions regarding different editing elements would be further discussed in future studies, in order to shed light on the topic of reading perception in Chinese typography, which currently has a dearth of relevant studies.
