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篇名 銀髮族平面廣告之表現訴求與圖像符號研究初探
卷期 20
並列篇名 Preliminary Study of appeal and graphic symbols of Senior Citizen’s print advertisement
作者 黃珮紋邱順應
頁次 120-139
關鍵字 銀髮族平面廣告廣告訴求圖像符號Senior CitizenPrint AdvertisementAdvertising AppealGraphic Symbols
出刊日期 201612


高齡化的議題日益備受關注,台灣人口老化的速度遠比我們想像中的快速,據政府機關統計 我國於2016 年老年人口總數達311 萬人,將首次超越十四歲以下兒童,而據文獻顯示台灣預估 於2025 年將進入超高齡社會。本研究主在探究目前台灣銀髮族平面廣告對老年人的形象詮釋為 何,以及這些廣告如何運用色彩象徵與圖像符號來表現,並運用文本分析法對50 筆台灣銀髮族 平面廣告樣本進行系列項目分析,本研究將活動類、商品類、公益類、娛樂類、宣導類五個類別 各抽出10 件樣本進行分析,研究分析主要分析重點為「銀髮族平面廣告訴求」、「銀髮族平面廣 告色彩」、「銀髮族平面圖像符號」三大部分。 研究發現台灣銀髮族平面廣告樣本中銀髮族形象多數展現健康活力的外觀,且在平面廣告色 彩計畫上積極的運用了較鮮豔的顏色讓老年人有了更年輕的氣象,此外於樣本中得知有時英文和 中文會同時並用在同一標題上,除了展現國際觀外也避開社會上對老人較為古板的印象。畫面中 常出現的輔助圖像符號如:陽光、花朵、旗幟、天空等為整體畫面增添了不少的歡樂、活潑與希 望的感覺,讓銀髮族更為年輕、健康、開朗、活潑。視覺畫面當中人數多為兩人以上,在策略訴 求裡植入了老年人需要有人陪伴和關懷以及容易親近好相處的含意。


The issue of aging is more and more concerned nowadays, and the speed of the aging of population in Taiwan is much greater than we imagine. According to the authorities, the elderly population of Taiwan has reached 3110,000 by 2016 , which will first exceed the population of children who are under 14. Some literatures also tell that Taiwan is expected to get into a hyper-aged society in 2025. In this research, how the image explanation of Taiwan seniors print advertisements show and how these ads use symbols of colors as well as graphic expression to present will be probed, using the method of textual analysis on 50 samples of seniors print advertisements in Taiwan. Ten samples will be chosen from five categories of the ads, which are activities, commodities, charity, entertainment and enlightenment related, to be analyzed. And the emphasis of the analyzation will be put on the appeal, the color and the graphic symbols of the print advertisement of senior citizens. The result of the study shows that, the among samples of Senior Citizen’s appearance in Taiwan seniors print ads are health and vitality. And Color print program is more active use of bright colors makes Older more younger. In addition , the title will also Written in English with Chinese ,showing international and avoiding the impression of the community to feel elderly look like old fashion. The Graphic Symbols often appears in Overall picture like: Sunshine, flowers, flags and sky which add joy, hope and lively feeling ,let the Seniors look more young, healthy, cheerful and lively. In Appeal Policy with visuals among two or more persons shows that, the elderly need someone caring and approachable.
