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篇名 人體比例之視覺美感研究
卷期 20
並列篇名 A Study of Visual Aesthetics in Body Proportions
作者 楊巧嫆鄭建華陳俊宏
頁次 064-084
關鍵字 視覺美感審美觀人體比例明朝人像畫visual aestheticsaestheticshuman body proportionsMing dynastyportrait paintings
出刊日期 201612


台灣受到中國與西方文化影響,以不改變傳統的方式,將西方元素融入至各個地方;而現今國 人對於美的價值觀點與西方美學思維已有許多相似之處,尤其在人體比例的觀念上與西方論及的比例概 念大致雷同。惟今許多圖像與視覺文化研究學者針對於畫作技法、畫家背景、時代與其社會現象,亦或 是園林建築之比例作深入的探討,以比較國人對於中國古代人體比例的視覺美感相關研究探討甚為缺 乏。因此本研究利用文獻法,篩選出明朝六位最具代表性之人物畫畫家:文徵明、唐寅、仇英、杜堇、 曾鯨與尤求等人,並計算出其人物畫作的頭身比,再以問卷調查法與排序法讓東西方受測者評估腿長不 同的人體比例,以直覺反應挑選出問卷上所提供的14 個人體比例樣本,進行視覺效果最好看、最喜歡 與最理想之調查。其驗證結果顯示現代國人認為最好的人體比例接近西方人所提出的黃金比例,證明現 代人的美感認知已受到西方思維影響。本研究並且發現男女樣本的平均值,以明朝文徵明的比例出現最 多次;在女性樣本部分,東西方受測者偏好身形較為矮小之比例,且受測者的身高對此並無影響。整體 而言,亞洲與西洋受測者對於人體比例的視覺美感看法一致。


Taiwan was a war-torn country, and times were turbulent and unsafe. The Chinese and Western cultures were both introduced to Taiwan; the Taiwanese sought beauty by following Western elements without compromising their traditional style. This essay aims to discuss the differences and similarities between Eastern and Western perspectives in aesthetics and proportions, as well as focus on the aesthetics of human body proportions in Chinese culture, tracing its evolution from the Ming dynasty to the modern period. In addition, six Ming dynasty portrait painters have been chosen, such as Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin, Qiu Ying, Du Jin, Zeng Jing and You Qiu. The paper examines the aesthetics of Taiwanese points of view in body proportions by changing the leg lengths; the result shows that the Western mindset has been largely considered of influence on Taiwanese aesthetic opinion. Additionally, the fourteen samples were evaluated from which three sense perception adjectives, “looks the best”, “like the most” and “ideal body proportion” were extracted to facilitate the evaluation of body proportions. The final results can see the proportions of Wen Zhengming are the ones that subjects prefer. The outcome also found that both the Western and Eastern people selected shorter figure in female sample. In conclusion, this study provides empirical evidence on the human body proportions of Western and Eastern, and proves that the aesthetic of body proportion of Eastern people are similar to the Western.
