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篇名 電子績效支援系統在童軍露營活動之應用策略
卷期 74
並列篇名 Development and Implementation of a Webbased Performance Support System in the Scout Camping
作者 劉漢欽陳志南
頁次 079-096
關鍵字 電子績效支援系統童軍運動露營活動electronic performance support systemscout movementcamping activities
出刊日期 201107




The purpose of scouting is to bring up robust citizens so that they will play active roles in society. To promote scouting, camping activities are crucial methods. More often than not, the planning and the preparation of camping are heavy burdens to volunteer scoutmasters. However, the Electronic Performance Support System(EPSS) obviously improves organizational effectiveness and reduces workload. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between the EPSS and the scouting camping organization by discussing their properties. This study also proposes a system prototype of administrative management in scouting camping for future development.
