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篇名 大陸特色小學經營之現況與評析―― 以武漢市為例
卷期 74
並列篇名 A Study on Feature School of Mainland China—Wuhan City for Example
作者 林麗娟林志成
頁次 146-174
關鍵字 特色學校大陸特色小學feature schoolfeature school of mainland China
出刊日期 201107




Taiwan has had quite impressive results on feature schools but little is known in mainland China. The purpose of this study is to probe into the concept, current status, and the development strategies of feature schools in mainland China. The research methods are literature review, documents analysis, and interviews. Five feature schools in Wuhan City were investigated. The results of this study are presented in terms of the following three phases. On the phase of concept: (1) focusing both on globalization and localization; (2) education reform in response to social changes; (3) under the trial of exam-orientation or credentialism; (4) emphasizing the inspiration of children's multiple-intelligences. On the phase of current status: (1) clear policy from the central authorities; (2) development of multiple features; (3) school-based management to be realized and the expenditure from the community to be increased; (4) principal as the key to enhance the innovative management. On the phase of development strategies: (1) curricula to be intensified and learning to be optimized; (2) managing strategies to be explicit, marketing strategies to be comprehensive; (3) perception to be creative and active, the community resources to be utilized and transformed; (4) innovative features to be reinforced, professional communities to be enhanced; (5) academic learning to be emphasized, students' multiple-capabilities to be cultivated. Concluding remarks and relevant suggestions are proposed for reference of the education authorities, school leaders, and teachers.
