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篇名 以荀子的禮法思想探討一位領導卓越校長的學校經營策略
卷期 74
並列篇名 An Examination of a Principal with Excellent Leadership on School's Management Policy Based on Etiquette View of Xunzi
作者 賴永和
頁次 175-189
關鍵字 荀子禮法領導卓越校長XunziEtiquettePrincipal with excellent leadership
出刊日期 201107




Xunzi is one of the greatest and most significant philosophers in Chinese history. His etiquette view inherited the old Confucian ideology and ended the debate between ritual ideology and law ideology of pre-Qin Cofucianist. It is the herald of the combination of ritual and law ideology, also the foundation of ideology and theory of traditional etiquette for the following two millenniums in China. Using observations and interviews, the study exams a principal with excellent leadership by discussing his school management policies, methods, and effectiveness based on Xunzi's etiquette view.
