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篇名 由批判理論觀點論教育理論與實踐之關係
卷期 5:6
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Relationship between Educational Theory and Practice from the Viewpoint of Critical Theory
作者 余豪傑
頁次 245-261
關鍵字 批判理論教育理論教育實踐critical theoryeducational theoryeducational practice
出刊日期 201606




The study aims to explore the relationship between educational theory and practice from the viewpoint of critical theory. First, the controversy arises due to the various orientations of educational theories, the mediation effects of educational research on educational theories, and the ways that different educational practitioners use educational theories. Second, according to the origin and theoretical concern of critical theory, the constraints of rationality, the interests of emancipation, subjectivity, holism, and practice should be emphasized. At last, the paper concludes the relationship of educational theories and practice from the perspective of critical theory as the basis of considering educational activities.

