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篇名 負向情感特質與身心健康、偏差行為關係之探討:以不當督導為中介變項
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 The Relationships among Negative Affectivity, General Health and Workplace Deviance Behavior: the Mediating Effect of Abusive Supervision
作者 王翊安吳守從
頁次 001-012
關鍵字 負向情感特質不當督導個人身心健康職場偏差行為Negative affectivityAbusive supervisionGeneral healthWorkplace deviance behavior
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6510/JTLM.201712_5(2).0001


本研究旨在分析員工負向情感特質對個人身心健康及職場偏差行為的影響,並 探討不當督導在上述路徑中所扮演的中介角色。研究以觀光產業相關從業人員為對 象進行資料收集,共獲得291 份有效資料,此資料經結構方程模型與拔靴法分析後, 結果顯示:(1)負向情感特質與個人身心健康呈負向關係;(2)負向情感特質與不當督 導、職場偏差行為呈正向關係;(3)不當督導與個人身心健康呈負向關係;(4)不當督 導與職場偏差行為呈正向關係;(5)不當督導於負向情感特質與個人身心健康及職場 偏差行為關係間具中介效果。此外,本研究基於研究發現的理論貢獻加以討論,同 時提出具體實務意涵與未來研究方向供實務界與研究者後續參考。


To analyze the relationship among negative affectivity, general health, and workplace deviance behavior was the main purpose of this study. The mediating effect of abusive supervision in the above path was also explored. Data were collected from related employees in tourism industry, and 291 valid data were obtained. The data is analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM) and bootstrap. After all, the results are shown: (1) Negative affectivity and general health was negative relationship. (2) Negative affectivity and abusive supervision, workplace deviance behavior was positive relationship. (3) Abusive supervision and general health was negative relationship. (4) Abusive supervision and workplace deviance behavior was positive relationship. (5) There was a mediating effect between the negative affectivity, general health, and workplace deviance behavior under abusive supervision. In addition, this study is based on the theoretical contributions of the findings. At the same time, specific practical implications and future research directions are proposed for the follow-up reference by practitioners and researchers.

