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篇名 置入性行銷對涉入程度、目的地意象認知與旅遊意願之研究-以「那些年,我們一起追的女孩」為例
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 A Study of the Relationship among Visitors’ Involvement, Destination image and Tourism Intention – in the Case Study of “You’re the Apple of My Eye”
作者 林庭秀葉穎錡陳甫鼎陳沛悌
頁次 088-100
關鍵字 置入性行銷涉入程度目的地意象旅遊意願影視旅遊product placementinvolvement degreedestination imagetourism intentionfilm induced tourism
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6510/JTLM.201712_5(2).0008


影視旅遊乃透過影視媒體的傳播,誘發收視者至目的地從事旅遊行為,不僅帶 動週邊觀光效益,對區域發展也有實質上的貢獻,為應用置入性行銷的方法之一。 本研究以電影《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》為研究個案,探討影視收視者對電影 之涉入程度、目的地意象與旅遊意願之關係,以看過該電影並前往平溪地區旅遊之 收視者作為研究對象,獲得有效問卷311 份。所獲得的問卷以相關分析、單因子變 異數分析、獨立樣本t 檢定等統計方法進行分析。研究結果顯示:(1)涉入程度對目 的地意象有正向影響,且高涉入度集群目的地意象認同感高於低涉入度集群;(2) 涉入程度對目的地意象有正向的影響,亦即熟悉度透過資訊的累積,會使目的地之 意象趨於正面;(3)目的地意象會正向影響旅遊意願,當收視者對目的地意象愈好, 至目的地旅遊的意願越高。


Film and television tourism is to attract the viewers to the destination by the media. Not only the tourist benefits of the surrounding areas are promoted, the regional developments are also enhanced. It is a popular method in placement marketing these days. In this study, the film "You're The Apple Of My Eye" is selected as the case, and the relationship among the involvement of the film, the destination image, and tourism wishes of the audience is explored. In the questionnaire survey, the objects are the travelers to Pingxi after watching the film, and 311 valid questionnaires are obtained. In this study, correlation analysis, single-factor analysis of variance, independent sample t-test are applied. The results show that: (1) the degree of involvement has a positive effect on the destination image, and the high-involvement cluster has higher destination image identity than the low-involvement cluster; (2) the degree of involvement has a positive impact on the destination image, that is, the familiarity through the accumulation of information will change the destination image to become positive; (3) the destination image will positively affect the travel intention, that is, the better the destination image is, the higher the willingness to travel to the destination.

