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篇名 解析觀光領域之跨領域的知識流動狀況:期刊書目對分析法之應用
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 Discovery Interdisciplinary Knowledge Flow of Tourism Field: A Journal Bibliographic Coupling Analysis
作者 原友蘭曾元顯何昶鴛陳銘芷
頁次 134-147
關鍵字 觀光領域知識流動引文分析觀光知識Interdisciplinary dynamicsknowledge exchangecitation analysistourism
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6510/JTLM.201712_5(2).0012


這篇文章採用引文分析與書目對分析探究觀光領域與其他領域之間的知識交流 情況。從11 本收錄於「社會科學引用索引」的觀光期刊蒐集2008 至2014 年之間 的引文,利用CATAR 進行期刊引文間的近似程度分析,勾勒領域的知識版圖,再 分析觀光領域與領域之間的知識流動狀況。這種方式跳脫傳統養賴人工,且受限於 分類者主觀判別的分類限制。研究結果顯示其他學門對觀光領域的影響已經逐漸減 少,引用其他領域的引文比例逐漸降低,這意味著此領域日漸建構出特有的知識版 圖,成為一個穩定成長的知識領域。但是觀光領域引用其他領域知識多於其他領域 引用觀光領域的知識。未來該如何讓其他領域的學者意識到觀光領域所創建知識的 重要,促使觀光領域茁壯為能與其他學門引入的領域,將是學者門共同努力的方向。


This article employs citation analysis to investigate the knowledge exchange between tourism field and other disciplines. 11 tourism journals from Social Science Citation Index (2008-2014) were collected and analyzed by using CATAR. The results show that tourism field has been growing into a matured field, but not yet growing into an influential field. Tourism researchers appear to reference other major disciplines more than they reference us. It has a limited influence on the knowledge creation of Leisure and Hospitality. In summary, Hospitality, Leisure, and Tourism, three sister fields remains more of a knowledge receiver than a knowledge sender. In addition, this study applied Content Analysis Toolkit for Academic Research (CATAR) to assist bibliometric analysis in order to process huge amount of bibliographic data and to overcome these limitations of conventional approaches.

