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篇名 陽明山國家公園二子坪生態保育費願付價格研究
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 A Study of Willingness to Pay (WTP) for Conservation of Natural Resource at Erziping, Yangmingshan National Park
作者 余家斌謝莉蘋陳奐存
頁次 013-032
關鍵字 條件評估法新生態典範市場區隔Tobit 模型Contingent Valuation Method New Ecological Paradigm market segmentationTobit model
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6510/JTLM.201712_5(2).0002




The main purpose of this research is to explore tourists’ willingness to pay (WTP) for conservation of natural resource at Erziping, Yangmingshan National Park. The tourists were segmented according to their life style, and their environmental attitudes were evaluated. This study employed Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) and constructed a Tobit model. Questionnaire surveyed through the variables of lifestyle segmentation (Activities, Interests and Opinions, AIO), New Ecological Paradigm (NEP), willingness to pay (WTP) and demographics. According result, the average WTP of all respondents is NTD 55.2; average WTP in “segment of living in peace and working happily” is NTD 54.76; average WTP in “segment of health care for body and mind” is NTD 55.73; average WTP in “segment of rational pleasure-seeking” is NTD 55.07. The results show that NEP is positively related to WTP, additionally, age, average income, and residence in northern Taiwan were significantly associated with WTP. In the light of results, the suggested natural resource conservation fee could set between NTD 50 to NTD 60.

