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篇名 低成本與傳統航空公司的櫃檯服務需求與品質改善指標之比較分析
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 Comparison of Check-in Service Requirements and Improvement Index between Low-Cost Carriers and Legacy Airlines
作者 彭效武許清賢張哲銘
頁次 169-182
關鍵字 服務品質航空公司報到櫃臺Kano改善要素Service QualityAirlineCheck-in CounterKanoImpact Index
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6510/JTLM.201712_5(2).0015




The finding of service-quality classification for airline check-in counters is the main purpose of the study. The Kano two-dimensional model was applied on the passengers’ service expectations of low-cost carriers and legacy airlines at Taoyuan International airport. The results show that being sensitive by counter staff to individual needs and wants can make respondents feeling warm for legacy airlines, and is classified as the attractive quality. For low-cost carriers, most respondents considered the indifferent quality is the only one classified quality as needed. About the impact index of improving satisfaction or preventing dissatisfaction, staff being polite and courteous is a one-dimensional service impact item for legacy airlines. In addition, passengers being informed immediately in case of the flight being delayed is a must-be service impact item. By contrast, passengers being informed immediately in case of the flight is delayed is a one-dimensional service impact item for low-cost carriers.

