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篇名 原住民家庭飲食消費支出影響之研究
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 The Study of the Determinant on Aboriginal Household food Expenditure
作者 謝淑芬李品慧
頁次 046-056
關鍵字 原住民家庭飲食消費支出次序羅吉特迴歸AboriginalHousehold food expenditureOrdered logit regression
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6510/JTLM.201712_5(2).0004


台灣原住民族以其文化的差異性與生活型態的獨特性與一般台灣居民有所區別, 故其飲食消費行為亦有所不同。本研究主旨除了瞭解原住民家庭飲食消費支出概況, 並探討原住民家庭飲食消費支出之影響因素。本文以行政院原住民族委員會2014 年 「原住民經濟狀況調查」資料為基礎,總樣本數為5,214 戶,並將家計單位飲食消費 支出分為低、中、高三種支出程度,利用次序羅吉特迴歸分析,推估原住民家計單 位人口特性與家計單位社經條件,對飲食消費支出之影響。研究發現,原住民家庭 共同生活居住人口數越多、配偶身份為原住民、戶長教育程度、全家所得收入以及 有房屋貸款者對家庭飲食消費支出呈現正向影響;家中有6 歲以下及65 歲以上人口數 越多以及有接受政府津貼補助者則對家庭飲食消費支出呈現負向影響。其結果可供 相關單位作為擬定原住民經濟政策之參考。


Taiwan aborigine with their own different culture and unique life style compared with general Taiwan residents more on Chinese culture lead to the differentiation of food culture.The main purpose of this research is to explore the influencing factors of daily food consumption expenditure of Aboriginal families based on the data of "Aboriginal Economic Situation Survey" according to the Council of Indigenous People of Executive Yuan, with the total number of 5,214 samples and divided the total households units into low, medium and high three kinds of expenditure levels for the food consumption expenditure. By using Order Logistic regression analysis, we can approximately estimate about the aboriginal households units according to their population characteristics vesus their social experience conditions will bring into influence of each factors of food consumption expenditure. According to this research, the more members in a family, with aboriginal spouse, the education level of headmaster, the income of whole family and those who have housing loan indicated positive impacts on family food consumption expenditure. On the contrary, for those families with higher number of kids below 6 years old and old members above 65 years old and also families whom have government subsidy indicated the negative impacts on family food consumption expenditure. The results of the study can be used by the relevant units as a reference and consideration when setting Aboriginal economic policies.

