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篇名 從遊憩體驗與行為意圖之關係探討遊客知覺價值之中介效果-以鹿港觀光地區為例
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 Study on the Relationships among Recreational Experience and Behavioral Intention to look at the Mediation Effect of Tourist Perceived Value-Using Lukang tourist area as an example
作者 鍾志強簡慈儀賴政豪
頁次 158-168
關鍵字 體驗行銷消費價值結構方程模式文化景點Experiential MarketingConsumption ValueStructural Equation ModelingCulture Attractions
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6510/JTLM.201712_5(2).0014


強化觀光旅遊的發展已經成為臺灣政府重要的政策之一,許多研究指出遊客的 體驗會有效影響後續行為意圖。因此塑造良好遊憩體驗並設法吸引遊客前來,就成 為行銷地方觀光景點的工作重點。雖然遊憩體驗能創造價值認同並延續出後續的行 為意圖,但三者間的影響關係呈現不穩定的狀態。因此,本研究試著以遊憩體驗為 自變項,並以遊客知覺價值為中介變項,再以旅遊後的行為意圖做為結果變項,再 次檢驗三者的關係。本研究採問卷調查搭配便利抽樣方式針對鹿港地區遊客進行施 測,共發出400份問卷(有效為376份),透過結構方程模式進行資料分析。研究結果顯 示:(1)遊憩體驗對遊客知覺價值有正向顯影響,顯示對遊憩體驗的提昇將促進遊客 的價值感受。(2) 遊客知覺價值對行為意圖有正向顯著影響,顯示對遊客感受的知覺 價值愈高,將有更正向的行為意圖。(3)遊憩體驗對行為意圖有正向影響,顯示對遊 客感受的遊憩體驗愈好,就會有更強烈的行為意圖。 根據研究結果顯示:遊客知覺價值扮演遊憩體驗與行為意圖的中介角色,而遊 憩體驗對行為意圖的直接影響力較佳。而懷舊與情感為主的體驗對於行為意圖有顯 著的影響力。因此本研究建議應給與鹿港地區建立完整遊憩體驗為最佳的行銷策 略,而透過各種活動讓遊客產生在地連結與深層的遊憩體驗,則能更有效的提升遊 客知覺價值與行為意圖。


Improving the development of tourism has become one of the important policies to the Taiwanese government. Many studies indicate that tourist experience influence behavioral intentions. Thus, creating good tourist experience and trying to attract more tourists is the focus of promoting local tourism. Although tourist experience is able to increase perceived value and behavioral intention, the relationships among them are not stable. Therefore, the study uses the recreational experience as the independent variable, the tourist perceived value as mediator variable, and behavioral intention as dependent variable, and re-exams the relationships among the three variables of tourists in Lukang. The questionnaire survey was conducted with the convenience sapling method. A total of 400 questionnaires (valid for 376) were distributed in the Lukang area, and the data were analyzed by the structural equation modeling. The results show that: (1)The recreational experience has a positive impact on the tourist perceived value which means improving recreational experiences will raise the level of tourist perceived value. (2)The impact of tourist perceived value on behavioral intention is also positively significant. It reveals that improving the level of tourist perceived value is able to raise behavioral intention. (3)The effect of recreational experience on behavioral intention is positively significant. It means when tourist has better recreational experience, their behavioral intention is stronger. According to the results, tourist perceived value plays the mediation role of recreational experience and behavioral intention, but the recreational experience has a better direct influence on the behavioral intention. Nostalgia and emotion are two experience attributes which have a significant influence on behavioral intentions. Thus, the study suggests that a well-established experiential marketing is the strategy for Lukang, and through a variety of activities to allow tourists to connect with local and produce a deep recreational experience, in order to raise the level of tourist perceived value and behavioral intention.

