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篇名 支援WiMAX系統之持續性資源配置方法
卷期 134
並列篇名 A New Persistent Allocation Scheme for WiMAX Networks
作者 陶明宏蕭瑩銓
頁次 21-27
關鍵字 持續性資源配置網路語音服務控制訊息代價配置時間延遲Persistent Resource AllocationVoice over IP=VoIPControl Message OverheadScheduling Latency
出刊日期 201008


本論文提出了一個槽式(Slot-based)持續性資源配置方法,使得基地台(Base Station;BS)能更有效率的分配資源給予類網路語音服務(Voice over IP;VoIP)。我們的方法首先對於一資料訊框中的眾多資源槽進行掃瞄,尋找一個可被持續性配置的資源槽。為了加速掃瞄,基地台會在每一個資源槽上建立一個虛擬的樹狀結構,這個樹狀結構中包含了許多的節點,每一個節點代表著一個持續性資源配置的確切時間和週期。另外,兩個資源重配置機制,樹節點交換和樹結構重新建制,也在本論文中被提出以維護資源槽的高使用效率。我們模擬的結果顯示,本論文所提出的持續性資源配置方法,不論在訊息控制代價、回饋控制代價、或是配置時間延遲等方面,都要勝過原本WiMAX系統所使用的持續性配置方法許多。


This paper proposes a slot-based persistent allocation scheme for WiMAX base stations (BSs) to efficiently allocate resources for VoIP-like service. At the beginning, this scheme firstly scans resource slots
within the stream of data frames to identify an available resource slot for a persistent resource allocation. To accelerate the scanning process, the base station maintains a tree structure for each slot, where the tree
structure contains several nodes used to represent a certain time and periodicity of an allocation. Furthermore, two resource reallocation methods, i.e., tree swapping and tree rearrangement, are proposed to maintain the high utilization of the resource slot. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the current WiMAX persistent allocation scheme in terms of control message overheads, feedback channel
overheads, and scheduling latency.

