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篇名 應用於無線系統之省電模式切換技術
卷期 134
並列篇名 A Power-Saving Switching Method for Wireless Systems
作者 范益瑄邱玉敏
頁次 28-36
關鍵字 無線系統省電模式睡眠模式全球互通微波存取Wireless SystemPower-Saving ModeSleep ModeWorldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access=WiMAX
出刊日期 201008




Power-Saving mode is supported in most wireless systems. However, only the control messages and operation flows of power-saving mode are clearly defined in the specification. There is no specific switching mechanism to activate and exit power-saving mode defined. In this paper, an operative power-saving switching method is proposed to identify the most ppropriate timing for mode switching. This novel method adopts different criteria for different connections. The operational parameters such as the status of queues, maximum packet latency, total data transmission time, and actual bandwidth granted are considered as well. Simulation results show that the proposed method enhances the efficiency of power-saving mode obviously.

